秋冬吃莲藕,润肺清爽 莲藕鲜肉多汁水饺 The lotus root &pork dumplings

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很鲜美的一款江南水饺。盈盈家水饺的Fans跨度南北西东所有地方的朋友,不仅北方人,很多不吃面食南方长大的朋友们也成了我家的铁粉。这款水饺配料就是新鲜莲藕和新鲜猪肉。对于莲藕的处理很原始,去皮去蒂切碎,最近都是使用新鲜的墨西哥珍珠莲藕,洁白清脆。肉是使用Costco 的新鲜大块肉,当天清洗搅肉馅配合使用。原汁原味,味道鲜美,肉馅丰盈多汁清脆,很接地气的一款美味家常水饺。


We chose fresh Mexican pearl lotus root, which is white and crispy. after peeling and chopping, mix with Costco fresh pork, with our family's exclusive recipe, we service you the south Chinese style dumplings, it is rich, juicy and crisp.
Our dumplings stuffing are fresh and tender meat rich juice which is come from the ingredients themselves, we do not put water or other liquid. All seasoning is just to highlight the original flavor of the original juice and not destroy the flavor of any ingredients.

The color of dumpling rapper is changed from time to time. Pink beet juice dumpling skin, orange carrot juice dumpling skin, and green spinach juice dumpling skin it always surprises you.and
it will be always the same standard thin skin with big filling and small edge.

Yingying's dumplings are sold by weight, with a package of 1.9lb , about 50 pieces.